Monthly Archives: December 2015

Bold Like Jesus: An Eccumenical Conference

Join us for Bold Like Jesus January 21-23, 2016 at Christ Lutheran Church in Charlotte, NC. Register Here.

Bold Like Jesus is an ecumenical conference that brings together Lutherans, Episcopalians, and Moravians from across North Carolina to explore what it means to be bold like Jesus in a complex and changing world. Dynamic presenters will help those in attendance explore the courageous actions people can take as they commit to bold steps in their churches, communities, and the world at large.

The conference takes place at Christ Lutheran Church January 21 through 23 in Charlotte, NC. Keynote speakers include the Rev. Becca Stevens, Shane Claiborne, and the Rev. Dr. Kathryn Love. Music is being provided Friday evening by singer/songwriter Rachel Kurtz. The program (including more info about speakers), the full schedule, and registration is accessible at Bold like Jesus.

Registration for Bold Like Jesus opened October 1 and will close January 17, 2016, with discounts and scholarships available through January 7. Youth and youth groups are invited to attend the Friday evening, January 22 event (Rachel Kurtz in Concert.) Youth will be admitted free of charge that night. The organizers hope for a large, diverse, and eager-to-learn crowd at the conference.